

Do not be aloof: 
Systems slow the knowledge flow;
Here's some drunken proof. 

Share Knowledge! we say,
But we can't make 'em do it,   
to our dang dismay.  

"Round of beers on me,"
Someone offers at the pub.
From systems, they're freed.

Knowledge? What the heck?
It's undammed - please make it stop!
Glad Flo's got the check...

You And I

12 years and counting;
We've made quite a pair.

By now I know
You'll always be there.

Though your age is showing,
Your parts work better than ever.

When I fart,
You don't say a word.

You think my butt's too big;
I think you have lousy arms.

So we are even.

You've cheated on me,
But I don't care.
I've cheated on you.

So we are even.

You're my one and only
Office chair.

Halls with Walls

5 Hill St.
Birmingham B5 4UB
United Kingdom

Halls, walls.
White walls walling
The halls with walls.

Beep click chunk - a door opens.
Beep beep beep - people exit
The halls with walls.

Beep click chunk - a door opens.
Beep beep beep - people enter
The halls with walls.

There's my door!
Beep click chunk - it opens.

Wrong door.
So I remain in
The halls with walls.

Oh, there it is! That's my door!
Beep buzz buzz.
Beep buzz buzz.
Beep buzz buzz.

I forgot to beep
When I ducked back into
The halls with walls.

The bleeping beeper
Doesn't think I'm in
The halls with walls.

I am forever stuck in
The halls with walls.


Words.  Lyrics. 
Is there a line between?
Are words the yolk of lyrics?
Are lyrics the yolk of words?
Words are an egg.
The egg, fertilized with passion,
Becomes a chicken. 
Eat your eggs,
Or fertilize them,
Lest they rot.  

Lyrics lay eggs.